Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Transparent Administration...your Friday musings

Funny how this works, wasn't to long ago the left was SCREAMING that the Bush administration doesn't tell them it doesn't seem like much of a problem.
Health Care don't need to see it.
Who is getting TARP don't need to know.
Where or who is the Stimulus money going to....don't worry about it.
Obama's school grades/records/term papers/thesis/birthcertificate...none of your business.
Background checks on Obama's Czars?...backgrounds? What backgrounds?
Are the employment numbers Obama keeps talking about legit (1 Million
new jobs??)....who cares it sounds good.

You all do know that the information that is being hidden in the Ft Hoodterrorist attack were emails that the Ft Hood terrorist was sending toal Qaida and radical Imams overseas? Right? Did you also know that yourpresident had these emails the afternoon of the shooting? And he stillhad the cahones to get up and say..."let's not jump to any conclusions".Cmon...lefty mouthpiece Chris Matthews was telling everyone...well maybe just the 100 people who watch his show, that "calling al Qaida isn't a crime is it? Cmon!" might not be a crime Chris but it doesn't bother you?...when a dude who kills 13 service members on a US military installation & was in the military makes those calls and it doesn't raise a red flag in your little pea brained head? To me our major issue is with the press and administration!

Even better Janet Napoletano published a Homeland Security report warning of a potential increase in domestic terrorism. She claimed RON PAUL and pro-Constitution activitists-like the Tea Party bunch-were dangerous! Meanwhile, the first words out of her mouth when an Islamist killer actually does rear his head was how important it was for the DHS to protect Islam. WTF?!?! Ron Paul or the Tea Partiers, let the cops go after them, have the FBI investigate that bunch of the over 50 yrs old retired peaceful JAIL with them!!!

"It is a political correctness that is making it unable for us to identify the real threat of homegrown terrorism,". Rep. Pete Hoekstra (Mich.)
After 9/11 Bush assured us of 7 domestic terror free years....Obama couldn't bring us 1. Its ok though, because it didn't effect me and I can get more free stuff from the government!

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