Monday, November 23, 2009

Terror Back in NY

Terror back in NY

So how do you New Yorkers feel about a massive circus like civil trial that will in the words of the Attorney general, showcase the good of the American judicial system, for an individual who declared war on the US then carried out acts of war against civil and military targets within NY and DC?

Pretty good huh? Should bring some real attention to the a World Series Championship?

Back in 2001 your senior senator Chucky Schumer said it was "'Ludicrous' to Try 9/11 Terrorists in Civilian Courts", but now he's more worried about federal funding for the extra security and overtime than keeping this nightmare from unfolding...a small economic boom for the next 5 or 10 years this "trial" will drag on? I guess that's more important these days.

The decision now makes it possible for the Terrorist to have a stage and our "innocent until proven guilty" system will support him at every turn since evidence in the case will not be able to "prove beyond reasonable doubt" since it was not collected and retained in a manner or level done in the United States by law enforcement trained on standards needed to secure conviction. If you happened to hear the flat out grilling Senator Graham gave Holder yesterday you understand that last statement. You are putting a foreign combatant on trial in OUR courts, you are giving him OUR rights to an attorney and due process and you are telling the world this will be a fair trial..but as Sen Graham said Khalid Sheikh Muhammad (KSM) was NEVER mirandized when he was first detained...he was never read his rights and given his right to silence until he talks with an attorney of his choice...remember this guy was water boarded! So why bother with the trial, because my first move as the defense would be dismissal on the ground of no rights. How do you then tell this animal, no you had no rights at the time you were detained under our system and in the same sentence tell the entire world our judicial system is fair?

But what is the underlying game? Who is really on trial? Probably the Bush administration, water boarding, CIA agents protecting us, the military, "torture" and the War on Terror as a whole. That's the political game here...and believe me when I say game, because to the left this is a GAME, because they have conveniently slipped back into the Pre-9/11 mindset. When's the last time you heard the phrase "War on Terror", Islamic Extremist, terrorist attacks or any of those terms? Just look at the Ft. Hood fiasco and the "let's not jump to any conclusions" statements out of the administration, even in the face of overwhelming evidence of a terror attack.

But that's all "political crap" that you or me will never be able to do anything about, it will bite us in the ass and we have to bear it..its our fault, we put the same jackasses back in congress so we are also to blame. But what is it that will bite us in the ass?

What Obama did...and I don't for 1 minute believe the horse S*#T that Holder made this decision on his own without White House approval like he claims, because if that is the case we got bigger problems than a terror trial! Its bad enough that Holder's firm defended terror suspects, but now he has set the stage for either the prosecution to loose or the US judicial system to look like a 3rd world kangaroo court! But back to what will bite us in the end...stick with putting terrorists on trial in US civilian court in US cities you have taught that world of lunatics one very dangerous lesson. If you attack US civilians and US targets in US cities, even though you have declared war on this country, you will be treated as a criminal, you will be afforded the rights of a US citizen in a US court, you will be immediately mirandized upon detainment and provided a lawyer of your choice. The only alternative is to treat them as what they are, combatives who should be detained and tried by military courts.

So what the hell does that mean? What it means is you have just given these animals an incentive to attack CIVILIAN targets within the US, and eventually a sounding board and stage to spew their hatred and their anti-US word. Why not? Why fight in a foreign country against US soldiers? You could be killed prior to executing your mission, not so much in the US, you could be detained and "interrogated" for information that could save US lives or you could be swapped with intel agencies from other countries that wouldn’t treat you so well. Why bother? Now you can go to the US or direct attacks in the US and if you are ever captured you will be immediately mirandized and afforded all the protections of the US judicial system.

Great question and follow up by Sen. Graham to Holder: Mr. Attorney General if we captured Osama Bin Laden tomorrow would he be tried in a civilian court?
Holders response: 20 seconds of silence and then pretty much said well I'm not sure.
Sen. Graham: Will he be mirandized upon capture?
Holder: no legible response

If you get a chance check out that exchange, interesting and the answers are downright scary.

Just 38% of voters now favor the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That’s the lowest level of support measured for the plan in nearly two dozen tracking polls conducted since June.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Sarah Palin Problem!

According to Newsweek we have a "Sarah" problem...and she is really bad for the GOP and us! But this is the same rag that triumphantly declared "We are all Socialists Now" a couple months ago. But its not just NEWSWEEK and their ridiculously sexist picture...not that there are any good looking female Democrats to EVER serve on the national stage that could be photographed in that light. As one contributor to this site, "Dr. O'Shaunessey" we will reference him as, from the Left Coast put it (referencing the Newsweek cover): "At least she can actually fit into that outfit! Hillary would scare children and adults alike if seen in bike shorts". So look I'm not complaining about the picture..she is hot...but if you’re a "politically/news/professionally" oriented magazine why show her in that light? Why does the media and left wing pundits treat her with nothing but pure hatred and disgust like some dopey bimbo? I had lunch with another contributor to this site yesterday, we will reference him as "Boss Hogg", he mentioned to me that he would ask people in his office who disliked Sarah, why? He found they really didn't have an answer. So what is going on? What's the deal? Lets look and see what we find.

So what is the Sarah Palin problem?
Is it the fact that she was...well...a crash the scene politician who has taken up the reigns of the conservative wing of the republican party, rallied a massive silent conservative core group and numerous independents alike with plain straightforward speak, a squeaky clean background and no ties to special interests, not to mention her tough stance on the Alaskan "establishment", rightfully taking down republicans and democrats alike? Couple all that with a meteoric rise into the national spotlight (and I never thought I would say this..but thanks to John McCain!) and what do you get from her opponents..not just left wing lunatics but the DC Beltway "establishment" as a whole?


FEAR is the only answer.
FEAR of her ability to draw & connect with massive crowds.
FEAR of her ability to talk and answer questions in a simple understandable way without a focus group.
FEAR of her good looks and hometown charm.
FEAR of her conservative grass roots & wholesome American values.
FEAR of the fact that she IS experienced! (Governor & Mayor beats community organizer & 1 term senator any day)
FEAR that she is not an "Insider" or DC Elite from an Ivy League school or political family.
FEAR that she is the "one" to cleanse DC of "Business as Usual" politics & stop the gravy train.

Is their another explanation? I challenge anyone to deny this. Why hasn't one single women's lib or women's rights group come out and defended her, her daughter or her handicapped child in any way for the attacks that have been launched against them? Has there EVER been such a vicious attack on any one in American history? Nixon probably? She has been accused of affairs to nepotism, and its all been false I don't think Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will get the treatment Sarah got.

Could it just be the media is using her to sell papers/magazines? Also a good argument...that might explain why so many left wing "sheep" say they hate her but don't really know why...mags like newsweek give us big bad headlines but as usual there is nothing in the article...kinda shows the depth of our lefty friends knowledge base when it comes to facts. Seems they love reading the headline and taking that as truth...why bother reading the article? Or looking for opposing views?

So what happens with her? Personally I think she's pretty hot and much smarter than most people make her out to be, does she need some polishing? Who doesn't? She just needs to use a teleprompter more often, then she will look like a PRESIDENT, and good for her for making a ton of $$$, now she should be about $13 or $14 million dollars short of the poorest Dem in congress. What do I think of her? She really really really turned me off when she resigned as Governor, in my view an AWFUL move that lost votes within her base...including mine. Was it justified? In my opinion no, she showed weakness and let the left celebrate bringing her down. But with that said, she has been on the offensive ever since, killing everyone from Couric to Oprah to McCain, and taking shots at the Big O on a daily basis. It might just work out for the conservative movement and in 4/5/6 years I might just change my mind.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Transparent Administration...your Friday musings

Funny how this works, wasn't to long ago the left was SCREAMING that the Bush administration doesn't tell them it doesn't seem like much of a problem.
Health Care don't need to see it.
Who is getting TARP don't need to know.
Where or who is the Stimulus money going to....don't worry about it.
Obama's school grades/records/term papers/thesis/birthcertificate...none of your business.
Background checks on Obama's Czars?...backgrounds? What backgrounds?
Are the employment numbers Obama keeps talking about legit (1 Million
new jobs??)....who cares it sounds good.

You all do know that the information that is being hidden in the Ft Hoodterrorist attack were emails that the Ft Hood terrorist was sending toal Qaida and radical Imams overseas? Right? Did you also know that yourpresident had these emails the afternoon of the shooting? And he stillhad the cahones to get up and say..."let's not jump to any conclusions".Cmon...lefty mouthpiece Chris Matthews was telling everyone...well maybe just the 100 people who watch his show, that "calling al Qaida isn't a crime is it? Cmon!" might not be a crime Chris but it doesn't bother you?...when a dude who kills 13 service members on a US military installation & was in the military makes those calls and it doesn't raise a red flag in your little pea brained head? To me our major issue is with the press and administration!

Even better Janet Napoletano published a Homeland Security report warning of a potential increase in domestic terrorism. She claimed RON PAUL and pro-Constitution activitists-like the Tea Party bunch-were dangerous! Meanwhile, the first words out of her mouth when an Islamist killer actually does rear his head was how important it was for the DHS to protect Islam. WTF?!?! Ron Paul or the Tea Partiers, let the cops go after them, have the FBI investigate that bunch of the over 50 yrs old retired peaceful JAIL with them!!!

"It is a political correctness that is making it unable for us to identify the real threat of homegrown terrorism,". Rep. Pete Hoekstra (Mich.)
After 9/11 Bush assured us of 7 domestic terror free years....Obama couldn't bring us 1. Its ok though, because it didn't effect me and I can get more free stuff from the government!