Thursday, December 3, 2009


I wasn't going to do anything this week...but now I am annoyed.

I would love to know from all you Libs...why you would vote for this man again?

1. That Afghan speech the other night was AWFUL, and waaay to long. He said the same thing 3 times. But what he didn't say was "win" or "victory", he did manage to say "I" 80 or so times, or at least the equivalent of 1% of the speech.
Do you guys really think he is for the common man?

2. He decided to limit pay raises in the fed Govt this year to a Flat rate of 2%, even though government workers by law are entitled to 16% this year. The 16% is a figure that comes from a formula that is supposed to close the gap between govt and private sector jobs, every year the pres decides not to follow this but does give a somewhat competitive increase...usually between 4.5% and 6%, after you factor in Cost of living adjustments. Not this year...time to be fiscally responsible with the population...or at least with members of the population he can't persuade to follow his agenda.
The funny thing about this is that Congress and the pres ARE NOT covered by this pay plan, they all of a sudden fall under increases given to the military...which will receive 3.4% this year.

3. I would love to write exactly what I think about the Global Warming mess that is biting Al Gore and company in the ass, but I am afraid all of you would think I am making it up since not one single news outlet except Fox is covering this fraud!
It seems a hacker got into some lefty global warming scientist emails and exposed the entire global warming issue as a fraud. As one US congressman put it: "These e-mails show a pattern of suppression, manipulation and secrecy that was inspired by ideology, condescension and profit". These emails specifically state that their is no science to prove that the earth is warming, but that needs to be suppressed so they can push ahead with the agenda. But this President and his people don't believe it This administrations top scientists looking at the same thing found no such sign, saying it doesn't change the fact that the world is warming. People are resigning over this...but the White house and the Left will still shove it down your throat, along with the economically crippling Cap and Trade Bill...because all the left is worried about is bringing US criminal charges against the British Hacker, who hacked from the UK (check out Barbra Boxers statements!) ...all the while NASA refuse to release any of its data...instead they told us in 2007, they found that 1934, not 1998, was the hottest year in its records for the contiguous 48 states. NASA later changed that data again, and now 1998 and 2006 are tied for first, with 1934 slightly cooler. So which is it?
Everybody with the exception of the hard left "green" crew knows this is a scam but you allow it to happen, and you allow it to expand and grow into such a monster that is will forever effect our economy and every single one of your pocketbooks. I am all for "saving the planet" and keeping the earth a reasonable extent, when it starts to cost me $4-%K a year in additional taxes and regulations, that hamper my and our countries ability to grow...then it’s a problem. Maybe its changing...even John Stewart quipped last night "that Al Gore and his global warming has been "debunked", by of all things the very internet he created...oh the irony". He is the first person from the left to address this on TV. The Ny Times has buried the story on page 6 or 7.

4. Today's JOB SUMMIT!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAA, the big O has stated he wants to hear if you disagree with him on jobs creation, because "I will listen". So what does he do? He has a "Jobs Summit" with all the players from his administration and doesn't invite the "opposition" to his the US Chamber of Commerce!